Cassie & Caleb (a giveaway)

In Cassie & Caleb Discover God’s Wonderful Design (Moody 2013), Susan and Richie Hunt share twenty short stories for children ages 5-8. Designed for use in family devotionals, each story illustrates a lesson from Scripture, sometimes using the language of the First Catechism. Every story is followed by discussion questions, a Scripture reading, and a suggestion for prayer.

The authors (both leaders in the Presbyterian Church of America) explain in the introduction to the book that they have five principles which guided them as they wrote the book:

1. The creational principle that “God created man in his own image...male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27).  The book seeks to be a corrective in a culture that has minimized gender distinctiveness.
2. To help children discover Jesus in all of Scripture, and to see gender-distinctiveness fit solidly into the context of the gospel story.
3. To teach children that God’s word “is our authority, His glory is our purpose, and the gospel of grace is the power of God to save us and to change us.”
4. To encourage children to love the church as their covenant family.
5. To plant theologically rich language into children’s hearts as a foundation for a biblical framework for thinking and living.

The book cover and pictures were attractive to my four year old, Rosie, and she immediately asked to hear a story.  My mom read the first story to her, and she listened intently to the whole thing. I think the format of the stories is just right for the target age range of 5-8, and most children that age will be truly interested in hearing and discussing the stories. They’ll be happy to learn about how they fit into God’s story, and they’ll probably be happy to have a framework for understanding gender.

Moody has offered me two copies of this book to give away.  If you are interested in one, leave a comment here!  I’ll use a random number generator to select two people to receive copies. Be sure to include your email address so that I can contact you.

Later today, I’ll post my full review of the book, including a few reservations I have about using it with my own family.