The Longest Winter (songs for advent)
I'm married to a songwriter. He doesn't like to talk about it, but it's true. His music was one of the first things I loved about him.
This is the third Christmas album we've recorded now. It's for ourselves, it's for our children, and it's for you, if you want. It's covers and originals. It features our kids. It features our own squeaky voices. I recommend track 6, it's my favorite. Track 4 is the only one I wrote this year. First I wrote lyrics about how Israel waited for 400 years to hear from God in the Intertestamental period. Jack said it was too depressing, so I wrote the fluffiest song I could think of. Click on the blue title to go through to bandcamp and see the track listing.
{Edit: Last night a friend actually bought this album for twenty dollars! We've matched that donation and given the money to Compassion. If anyone else wants to donate money for the download of this (or any of our) Christmas album(s), we will do the same.}
Merry Christmas.